


The only natural satellite of the Earth. Learn more on Wikipedia.

Moon phases

New moon, Waxing Crescent , First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter and Waning Crescent. Learn more on Wikipedia.


The instant at which the upper edge of the moon appears on the horizon. Moonrise occurs before the moon actually reaches the horizon because the moon's image is refracted by the Earth's atmosphere.


The instant at which the upper edge of the moon disappears bellow the horizon. Moonset occurs after the upper edge of the Moon actually reaches the horizon because the moon's image is refracted by the Earth's atmosphere.

Milky Way

The spiral galaxy containing our solar system. Visible from the Earth as a broad band of faint light in the night sky. Learn more on Wikipedia.

Max. Print Dimension

Photo print size.

Minimum Subject Distance

It is the minimum distance between you and the subject you want to fit in the frame. It varies with camera sensor, focal length, object dimensions and camera orientation.

Minimum Star Declination

Declination of the stars situated the furthest from the celestial pole that fit in our frame. These stars need a shorter exposure time to appear as Spots in our photo. You can estimate the Minimum Star Declination using PhotoPills Night AR or PhotoPills Planner Night AR. Learn more on Wikipedia.

Max. Exposure Time

Maximum exposure time that all stars appear as bright spots in our photo.