The 36 Best Photos of 2023 (by the PhotoPills tribe)
Here are the 36 best photos of 2023 captured by the PhotoPills tribe. All are featured photos in the PhotoPills Awards book.
Keep readingHere are the 36 best photos of 2023 captured by the PhotoPills tribe. All are featured photos in the PhotoPills Awards book.
Keep readingIn this article you'll learn everything you need to plan and shoot the June 10th, 2021 annular solar eclipse. And any other solar eclipse in the future.
Keep readingLearn everything you need to imagine, plan and shoot the May 26, 2021 total lunar eclipse. Or any other lunar eclipse in the future.
Keep readingIn this article you’ll find the best 36 photographs that the PhotoPills community has imagined, planned and captured in 2020. You can find all the featured photos in the PhotoPills Awards book – the best source of inspiration for 2021.
Keep readingOn November 11, 2019 Mercury will transit across the Sun... Next time it’ll happen again will be in 2032! Are you going to stay at home? Of course not! Get ready to celebrate this rare astronomical event planning and photographing the 2019 Mercury transit!
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